Five Free Podcasts Worth Listening To
They are becoming more fashionable, and podcasts come from under the stones. There is culture, fiction, humour, science, music, history… The best? You only need your mobile, it is a different way of learning in a fun way, and you can listen to them anywhere. Usually, the content of a podcast is quite specialized, with valuable information, and most of them are easily accessible and free. We leave you five podcasts for you to enter this world and continue learning and having fun quickly and enjoyably.
Stretching the gum: the comedians Victoria Martin and Carolina Iglesias are in charge of presenting this podcast that is becoming a hit. Every week they talk about friendship, cinema, literature, art, television, feminism, and current affairs… always with a touch of humour and top guests. The perfect podcast to have a laugh and forget about uni for a while. Not everything is going to be entertainment. This podcast interests science students or those interested in scientific research, nature and technology. Super lovely and accessible.
English We Speak – A BBC podcast for those who want to improve their English. The episodes last less than 5 minutes and explain different expressions and helpful vocabulary with clear examples so that you can incorporate them when speaking English. Very practical!
University Diamond: a podcast created by and for university students. They give tools you can use to be more valuable in your day-to-day life and achieve what you set out to do. They deal with diverse topics such as body language, college goals, luck, dreams and goals.
TED in Spanish: You are familiar with TED talks ( Technology, Entertainment and Design ). They are conferences given by scientists, businessmen, thinkers, political figures, economists, and artists… and they aim to promote “ideas worthy of being disseminated”. There are talks on many topics: psychology, body language, education, health, music… everything!
Live, what a move! : For those moments when you want to disconnect, this humorous podcast parodies topics such as karma, the stars or the afterlife. Guaranteed laughs!
And you, are you a fan of this type of format? Do you have a favourite podcast? We are all ears!
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