Quick Guide To Customize Windows 11 To Your Liking

Quick Guide To Customize Windows 11 To Your Liking

Windows 11 already works on many devices, and it is not surprising that more and more users have doubts about how to use their terminals now that they have a new operating system. Of course, there are many things to take a look at, but you may want to be clear about the customization aspects. Read on, and we’ll show you the most important ones.

What can you customize about Windows 11?

If you are one of the users of the Redmond operating system, you probably already know the answer to the question. The truth is that Windows 11 maintains some of the essential points of Windows 10, although it adds new features that will surely help you adapt the operating system to your needs, both productive and aesthetic. Today it’s time to look at the visual section with this little Windows 11 customization guide.

We will review those sections allowing you to make changes to your device. Everything starts from entering the ” Configuration ” section, and from there, move through the different headings that you have at your disposal with this Windows 11 customization guide we leave you.

So you can customize Windows 11

We are going to go by parts in this small customization guide. The software presents many novelties beyond those you know, and you must consider them.

You must first know that the shortcuts to change the background image and the configuration of two screens are maintained. With a simple right-click, you have access to two essential parts to customize Windows 11 since you can change the background image, its resolution, and even the way of projecting the screen when connecting several to your machine.

Dark theme and colours

As you may know, Windows 10 was the first of Redmond’s operating systems to embrace the so-called dark mode to its aesthetic. This inverts all backgrounds and fonts by adapting the colours to predominantly black in the background with white details, which can help many people see the screen better. You will find this function in the Personalization> Colors section, where you can also choose the accent colour of the operating system.

Customize your widgets

Another of the things that we teach you in this customization guide for Windows 11 is the widgets. Many users appreciate the return of these panels to speed up their tasks. The truth is that it is an exciting information centre that you can modify using the ” New widget ” function to add to your device. You can also modify the space they occupy by clicking on the three points and selecting the size between small, medium and large, or remove the selected widget. This feature is enabled only if an app has this feature available.

Location of the new button panel and transparencies

The other important point in the colours section is the transparency effect, which will give the toolbar and the system windows an effect that allows you to see what is behind as a blur.

But the most exciting thing that defines the new operating system is seen with the naked eye and is the toolbar. Many will not like that it is in the centre, which is why they may find a way to place it in its original place. To do this, you must go to Personalization>Taskbar and, from here, choose the fixed buttons that appear and their position, which can be centred or to the left.

Change your lock screen

In the lock screen section, you will have access to all the features that appear when your computer “wakes up” from sleep. Here you will have the customization options for the terminal to choose between a default image of the day from Microsoft or one you want. That’s up to you, as is the time it takes to lock, which you can set to your needs.

As you can see, customizing Windows 11 to your liking is straightforward and has many things to take a look at.

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