
Have You Caused a Traffic Accident? You Are Covered By Accident Insurance.

A traffic accident can happen in a second. If there is only damage to the vehicle, it is even better because accident insurance will solve many things. How to proceed in an accident, and what does the accident insurance cover?

How to proceed in the event of a traffic accident

When a traffic accident happens, think of first calling the police. However, it is only sometimes necessary. If there was no health damage in the traffic accident and the estimated damage to the vehicle is up to €3,990, it is unnecessary to call the police. At the same time, all participants in a traffic accident must agree on who is to blame. If you disagree, the presence of the police will be necessary.     

However, what is necessary in any case is filling out the accident report. You must have such a form in your car, and each participant in the accident must sign it. The original remains with the guilty party so that he can present it to the insurance company, and the injured party keeps a copy. 

Without a record, you cannot resolve an insurance claim from PZP, even with accident insurance. The accident record must be delivered to the insurance company by the culprit within 15 days of the traffic accident. 

If you are injured and have incurred damage, you must report it to the guilty party’s insurance company. You can do so online or by phone. When the at-fault party also informs the insurance claim, you will inspect the vehicle so the damage can be assessed and subsequently paid for.  

When will accident insurance help you?

When you are injured, and the culprit is known, the damage to your vehicle will be covered by the PZP of the culprit. If you are at fault in an accident, damage to your car may be covered by accident insurance. The advantage of accident insurance is that it will cover damage to your vehicle even if you caused the accident. Accident insurance will help you even if an unknown perpetrator damages your car. More than one vehicle owner has already found a damaged car in the parking lot. The insurance will cover the damage if the perpetrator leaves the scene and cannot be tracked.    

What does accident insurance cover?

Accident insurance can also save you from vandalism, vehicle theft, natural disasters or damage by rodents. However, you must be careful about what is included in the standard package and what you need to insure. For example, partial or complete accident insurance. The total insurance includes accidents, natural events, damage by rodents, vandalism, vehicle theft and assistance services. 

Partial insurance does not cover rodent damage and destruction. As part of the optional additional insurance, you can also pay extra for financial loss insurance, glass insurance, accident insurance for transported persons, luggage insurance and replacement vehicle insurance.      

Generali insurance company offers four different variants of accident insurance. The Basic package covers damage in the event of an accident, the Plus package includes, in addition to accidents, the elements and vandalism, the Comfort package also covers theft, and the highest Extra package includes financial loss insurance. 

You can additionally insure the windows of the vehicle, accidents to transported persons, luggage and personal items, light vehicle, extra standard equipment, operation of the car as a work machine, electrical package, financial loss insurance and premium assistance services.

You can also take out accident insurance at other insurance companies, such as Union, Allianz or Kooperativa insurance companies.   So you can compare the prices and packages of different insurances and choose the one that will be the most suitable for you. Before taking out the insurance, pay attention to the deductible amount. 

Is accident insurance worth it for everyone?

Accident insurance is financially much more demanding than compulsory contractual insurance. Many vehicle owners, therefore, ask themselves whether they need accident insurance. If you own a new vehicle, accident insurance is recommended because the price of repairs can be very high in the event of an accident.  

However, this does not mean that insurance is unnecessary for older cars. However, considering the older car’s value, it would be best to think whether it is worth taking out accident insurance, which can cost you several tens to hundreds of euros per year. 

Accident insurance is always essential, however, if the general value of the vehicle is higher than the insurance premiums paid for the car so far. Of course, the insurance premium amount depends on several factors, similar to the case of PZP. 

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