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Energy Management As a Competitive Strategy

Energy Management: These days within a training program in which I am immersed, we went into detail about strategy and emphasized that we should never confuse corporate and competitive strategies.

In their corporate strategic plans, companies indicate, and in capital letters, reducing their energy costs since energy is sometimes the second business cost after salaries. What happens when working on this line of competitive strategy? What industries in recent years have not considered actions that can lead me to be more efficient successfully? Very many. And how do I do it? This is perhaps the best time to remember Eisenhower’s already mythical phrase: “The plan is nothing, but planning is everything.”

The roadmap to reduce energy consumption

So let’s plan, as a company and under my corporate strategy, the roadmap that we have to follow to reach my objectives of reducing energy consumption and costs and to define those resources with which I have to equip myself to make it possible. When we talk about energy, the best planning is to bet on implementing a management system, permanent feedback on information management, and decision-making to avoid the “waste” of energy. But let’s not forget that before running, you start walking, where the concept of energy audit appears and the role it has to play within a competitive strategy.

Implementation of an Energy Management System

The energy audit must be the basis for implementing an energy management system. The energy audit is an essential tool to establish energy efficiency. It will show the current situation that the state of the industry must indicate to us to plan the implementation and define the objectives of the Energy Management System.

Many large companies affected by Royal Decree 56/2016 between November 2016 and February 2017 face, four years later, having to do an energy audit again. The question is, why was an investment not planned in the corporate strategy to implement an energy management system if, within the competitive process of a company, it is as essential as managing production, finances, or human resources?

Produce more while consuming less

“It’s never too late to be what we should have been,” said the novelist Ann Evans and that is easily applied in the business and industrial environment. The basic equation that we all want to “produce more while consuming less energy” is not easy to solve, but there are methods that work well and give very satisfactory results. It starts with managing energy, an audit that never goes back and forth (of minimums), and, yes, at “his point.”

Also Read : Discovering CMMS or Computer Aided Maintenance Management


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